Tim Ricardo

Company Director

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About Tim

Timothy Ricardo has worked in public practice since 2003. With experience and qualifications in financial accounting, financial planning, taxation and superannuation, Tim has sharpened his focus towards helping small to medium size businesses.

Timothy completed his Bachelor in Commerce-Accounting in 2005. Whilst undertaking his degree Tim completed a diploma of Financial Services in Financial Planning.

Added to this, qualifications as a SMSF Auditor, SMSF Specialist Accreditation and completion of his CPA, Tim is considered an expert in accounting with a broad knowledge in areas to help his clients grow financially.

Establishing and working in his own successful accounting practice from 2007 to 2021 was not only achieved through prior experience gained, but also the range of qualifications and continued development throughout his career.

Growing up, one of Tim’s greatest interests was his music. While his musical pursuits led him to consider a career as a musician, his skill with numbers and critical thinking drew him to the field of accounting after he realised its potential to help people in business.

Working in his family’s small business from a young age, Tim knew that owning a business is a challenge on its own merits and wanted to allow business owners to focus on their core business and utilise his expertise to navigate their regulatory matters.

Tim’s greatest achievement and joy is his family. On the weekends you will find Tim hiking, running, playing tennis, gardening, or playing music at church along with is 4 children and wife Louise.

In three words Tim describes himself as loyal, focused and determined, and his clients attest to these attributes, as do the team at Bishop Collins Accountants.

Favourite Quote:

“If you don’t have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over? – John Wooden

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