What are the benefits of a self managed super fund (SMSF)?
Many Australians are now looking to take control and become more involved in their superannuation. Self managed Super Fund’s (SMSF’s) make up 30% of all super assets and are often the preferred choice for people who want to take an active role with their superannuation and retirement planning.
Most members of these funds don’t necessarily believe that they can achieve a superior performance to a retail fund, it’s more to do with the fact that they would prefer to have full control, flexibility and transparency over their own money.
Some of the benefits that make SMSF’s a very attractive option include:
- Investment choice including residential and commercial properties
- An SMSF can borrow to invest
- Tax control
- Tax minimisation
- Transferring your wealth to the next generation
- Asset protection
We would be more than happy to sit down with you to assess whether a Self Managed Super Fund is the right option for you. We have an expert wealth management team who are specialists in self managed super funds. You canread more about SMSF’s a;so, by visiting the ATO website here
If you would like further information on SMSF’s call us on (02) 4353 2333, or complete the form below and send us your questions.